Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Choosing To Earn A Criminal Justice Degree Online

One of the most overriding instincts in human nature is the desire to make a difference in the world. Just about everyone has the urge to positively influence their surroundings for the benefit of society. Many people choose to perform this service in the field of criminal justice. Individuals with the drive and ambition for this type of work can be seen in many arenas. Some are police officers, others are attorneys with special training in the criminal justice field, and still others benefit society by serving as probation officers hard at work to assist ex offenders in starting their new lives.

The desire to change the course of a chosen career isnt unusual in todays employment climate. More and more people are choosing to reroute the path of their lives and for those interested in criminal justice the way to go is to obtain a criminal justice degree online. There are many advantages to deciding to go for a degree in this manner. Studying online makes it possible for the student to further their education without the need to rearrange their entire work, family, and social schedules. Most criminal justice degree online programs are geared to be a study at your own pace curriculum. These types of programs are usually more affordable in terms of tuition and books as well. All of these benefits add up to create a better environment for the student to reach their goals and be ready to assist in making the world a better place with their criminal justice degree.

Like with any major decision, choosing which institution to study with should be a decision made with all of the facts checked out. The first thing to do is to be sure the school is accredited and any degree awarded from it is viable to employers. An easy way to do this is to check with the Better Business Bureau and companies and organizations that consistently hire people with criminal justice degrees. Look closely at the classes offered and at the tuition rate. Choosing to obtain a criminal justice degree online is an investment in your future and should be given your full attention before blindly signing on the dotted line. Most online educational institutions are legitimate, but it is important to do your homework first.

Receiving a criminal justice degree online prepares the graduate for several key functions in their new career. Criminal justice majors learn to be involved in a wide variety of services in the justice world. They are taught to be involved with supervision duties like probation, and assist in the incarceration system. Students are also taught to effectively interact with police at the apprehension level and to work closely with the prosecution. Newly degreed criminal justice professionals will need to learn quickly, communicate well, and have well honed problem solving skills to be successful. The ability to work well in a team environment is also helpful.

A career in the criminal justice field is rewarding in many ways. The graduate has a large range of opportunities open to them. Social service, working to protect the population, and personal enrichment are just a few of the benefits professionals in this field cite as reasons to work in this service. There are never enough caring, well trained people in this challenging field. A criminal justice degree online program is an excellent way to be prepared for the trials and rigors of your new career, all without sacrificing your current way of life. Taking advantage of this unique educational tool will have you well prepared for your new life and lead to exciting opportunities in the criminal justice field.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College Online offers many Criminal Justice Degree online programs. Please visit Virginia College Online at to select the online program that is right for you.Alysia Blog68302
Bunni Blog31937

Using Your Veteran Benefits is Academically Beneficial

As a former military service member, you now plan to attend college at a four or two year institution. You are not quite sure of how to get started using your veterans benefits or how many years you have to utilize your VA benefits. These benefits may somewhat vary depending upon the university or college you plan on attending. Below are some documents needed by schools (VA Campus Service) from you or your dependents to receive funding to assist you in degree completion?

An application that is utilized for Chapters 30, 31, 35, 1606 and 1607. Chapter 30-for the veterans using benefits, Chapter 31-for veterans using vocational rehabilitation with a percentage of disability, Chapter 35-for dependents such as spouse, children and qualified adopted children, 1606 & 1607-for reservist using benefits.

Discharge Copy of your DD214-Copy number (4)-when leaving the military or copy of your NOBE-as a Reservist-Notice Of Basic Eligibility

For dependent usage of veterans benefits spouse should submit a copy of marriage certificate, qualified dependents should submit a copy of their birth certificate.

Veteran or dependents should declare a major of intent to the department in which they plan to matriculate in. This copy should also be submitted to the VA school official.

The veteran or dependents need to also submit a copy of their letter of acceptance from the Admissions Office to the certified veteran official for benefits.

Finally, if veterans or dependents have attended a university or college previously, these transcripts should also be submitted to the VA official. As a former member of the military you have ten years from the date of leaving the military to use your military benefits.

Once all these documents are submitted to your certified veterans official, new enrollees can began receiving benefits within sixty to ninety days.

Please keep in mind these documents maybe somewhat similar and different depending on the institution of choice. They are used as guidelines for submitting information in applying for VA Benefits only. Check with your school VA Officer for direct information.

Robert Crawford III is an author of several publications listed on and multi-publishing sites; he is also working towards publishing childrens books. He is a Business Consultant, Academic Advisor and a PhD Candidate studying at Capella University in the School of Business Technology. He and business partner Kay White of VandarPoole Consulting can be reached at the business website or at (910)-483-1427 Alexina Blog36334
Britta Blog57300

Cookies And Diabetes

In this day and age of high tech I need to stop and wonder what is happening to the population of the U.S. it seems that a large number of its citizens are becoming ill with diabetes.

According to the American Diabetes Association there are 20.8 million children and adults in the United States, or 7% of the population, who have diabetes. While an estimated 14.6 million have been diagnosed, unfortunately, 6.2 million people (or nearly one-third) are unaware that they have the disease. With so many people affected by diabetes, the American Diabetes Association has compiled diabetes statistics on the impact of the disease and its complications. Based on death certificate data, diabetes contributed to 224,092 deaths in 2002. Studies indicate that diabetes in generally under-reported on death certificates, particularly in the cases of older persons with multiples chronic conditions such as heart disease and hypertension. Because of this, the toll of diabetes is believed to be much higher than officially reported.

I dont believe that cookies and baked goods are the culprits for this terrible disease, back in the 50s and 60s our parents and grandparents baked cookies on a daily basis and we as children had eaten dozens of cookies almost on a daily basis, there were cookies and milk after school, cookies in your lunch bag, and a snack before bedtime of cookies, we had cookies of every shape and form that anyone can imagine.

During the Christmas and Easter Holidays I went to my grandparents home and usually upon arrival we were offered cookies and milk for the children and cookie and coffee for the adults, during this period in time people would swap cookie recipes like children would swap baseball cards. Now that we are in the 21st Century no one can say that because they are diabetic that they cannot eat cookies, with all the new sugar free and diabetic cookie recipes that you can find and all the diabetic cookies on the market no one should say I cannot eat cookies.

Ann Marie Krause has been making cookies for over 30 years, at persent I am retired, for over 23 years I owned a Gourmet Bakery called The Cheese Confectioner.You can visit my site at http://www.annsgoodies.comAnnnora Blog22270
Adria Blog81934

Saving On Fuel Costs For The Home


* Covered pots or pans will boil or steam faster, allowing lower temperature settings.

* Cook outdoors, (Yes even in the winter) use a microwave oven, or prepare cold meals to avoid heating up the kitchen and adding moisture to the air. Microwaves use less than half the power of a conventional oven and cook food in about one-fourth the time.

* Use small appliances like a toaster oven or electric skillet. On average, they use half the energy of a full-size oven.

* Turn off the surface element or oven a few minutes before cooking time is up. The pot is still hot enough to continue cooking.

* Don't line oven racks with foil. It blocks the heat flow and makes the oven work harder to cook food.

* Do your heavy summer cooking in the cooler early morning or evening hours. Try to use the range top more, the oven less.

* It takes energy to heat water so use as little as possible. Most frozen or fresh vegetables can be cooked in a quarter cup of water. Even eggs will cook in this reduced amount if the pan has a tight-fitting lid.

* In the oven, cook as many dishes as possible at one time. Foods with cooking temperatures within 25 degrees can be cooked simultaneously at the same temperature.

* Preheat the oven only when necessary. Many foods don't require it. Use your self cleaning function while the oven is already hot.

* Don't peek into the oven. Each time the door is opened, the temperature drops 25 to 50 degrees.

* With stews, soups, and other foods that need long cooking times, cook in large quantities and freeze in meal-sized portions.

Use a pressure cooker. It cuts cooking time to one-third that of conventional methods. Use a pressure cooker if possible. Here's my favorite tip: If you're going to clean your oven using the self cleaning function, do it while the oven is already hot!


Most of the energy in a washing machine is used to heat the water. Use warm or cold water when possible, and always rinse with cold water.

* Don't use more detergent than you need. Too many suds may require extra rinsing.

* Put full loads in the dryer, but don't overload. Overloading makes the machine less efficient and more costly to operate.

* Use warm or cold settings to dry, especially for permanent press clothes.

* Always keep the lint filter clean.

* Don't overdry clothes.

* The dryer will run most efficiently when drying clothes of the same thickness.

* Do two or more loads in a row. (The dryer is already hot) When possible, use an outdoor clothesline rather than a dryer. (Especially large blankets)


* Seal around areas where heat can escape such as windows, doors, bathroom vents, and chimneys. Insulate attics and walls.

* Check the manufacturer's label before insulating your water heater; set the temperature to about 120 degrees.

* Properly maintain your heating system - have it inspected and cleaned annually; replace furnace filters once a month during the heating season, or as needed.

* Clean warm-air registers, baseboard heaters, and radiators as needed; make sure furniture, carpeting and drapes do not block them.

* Reduce the thermostat setting when everyone is asleep or away from the home. Consider installing a programmable thermostat.

* Install storm windows and lock your windows to create a tighter seal; use drapes and shades at night to conserve heat.

* Close the damper on your wood stove and/or fireplace when not in use.

* Invest in energy efficient appliances. Look for appliances with the EnergyStar label.

Conservation leads to savings

Dominion Gas customers saved an average of 4-6% on their heating bills last year thanks to energy improvements and conservation methods.

When natural gas prices reached record highs in 2005, customers responded by insulating and weatherizing their homes and by turning down their thermostats to conserve energy.

The energy conservation methods worked. Even accounting for a milder-than-normal winter, many customers saved energy and money. Do the same this year. Now is a good time to prepare for the change of season by checking your home's insulation and plugging leaks to the outside.

First, check your attic insulation. If it is sparse or badly settled, consider adding more to bring it up to a minimum of R-30. Air leakage accounts for about 30% of heating expenses. Take time to patch places where heat could escape.

Use caulk or expanding spray foam to seal around popes and wires that lead from the attic or crawl space into the home.

Caulk cracks around window and door moldings, and weather-strip around door frames and at the top of the bottom of window sashes.

Also, caulk cracks around masonry fireplaces and keep the damper closed when not in use. Weather-strip and insulate attic doors and pull downs.

Under your house, put a polyethylene vapor barrier on the ground. This will keep a lit of moisture from getting into your home.

Copyright 2006 Cecilia Sherrard. Ardeen Blog24592
Anni Blog68956

Types of Bikini Waxing

If you've ever been troubled by the appearance of unwanted hair in your bikini region, you might want to consider waxing. Although this method of hair removal has scary reputation, it is actually quite safe and comes with many benefits.

Not only is the painful part of the procedure over quickly, but it also banishes hair for three to eight weeks and prevents it from growing back in a thick manner. This is because waxing is a method of epilation; with other words the hair is removed beneath the skin's outer layer.

Due to the sensitivity of the bikini area, waxing is best done by a professional, or esthetician. Don't be ashamed about making an appointment; salon staff members have seen it all. Make sure to indicate whether you want a basic bikini or a Brazilian wax.

Basic bikini wax just removes the pubic hair that might poke out the sides of your swimsuit bottom. The Brazilian wax, on the other hand, removes all hair from the pubic area, including the labia and the buttocks. In either case, warm wax will be applied to the desired region, followed by a strip of fabric. When the wax cools, both the fabric and the wax will be quickly ripped off against the direction of hair growth. Done properly, the pain will be minimal, and the redness should subside in a few hours.

People with diabetes should consult with their physician before undergoing such a procedure, since they are more prone to infection in the off chance that their skin is torn during wax removal. Anyone with a skin condition-such as rash, warts, or pimples should wait until their skin is clear before getting a wax. Otherwise, they run the risk of damaging their skin.

Ivan Nikolov, a fitness and physique model and top five natural bodybuilder, shares with you everything he has learned about hair removal - the essential procedure every model knows a lot about. Visit his web site to find out what consumers report are the best hair removal procedures and tools.Benni Blog31468
Carlotta Blog34670

Easy Work from Home Ideas

The ads have been around for years in magazines and newspapers. Now theyve moved to the Internet. They promise easy work from home ideas, unlimited opportunities and high pay. Unfortunately they usually promised more than they delivered, and the buyer was disappointed once again. There are real business opportunities though. It just takes personal discipline to determine which the best business is for you. An honest and thoughtful analysis of your skills, abilities knowledge and resources is the first steps to choosing an easy work from home idea.

Here are some ideas to get you started.

Online store

Looking for easy work from home ideas? You can start in a matter of minutes with prepackaged software and name brand merchandise. You dont need to stockpile inventory, you arrange for drop shipment from a central warehouse directly to your customer. You dont need to pay for expensive office or sales space, just a corner of your kitchen or den.

Web site design

In order to do this job you will need to be creative and understand computer program. You can use one of the web site design software programs. Many small businesses would welcome your assistance in going online. Be sure to maintain a portfolio of your work to offer to show future customers what youre capable of. Easy work from home ideas such as this guarantee a bright future.

Content writing

Creative writing ability and a good command of grammar and punctuation are prerequisites for this easy work from home idea. You need to have access to the Internet. Answer an ad on one of the good freelance opportunity sites to soon have more work than you can handle. Again, its important to maintain a portfolio of your best work to demonstrate your abilities to potential clients. There is other easy work from home ideas that we can list, so keep reading!

Multi-level marketing

There are many multi-level marketing programs out there, not all of them are good opportunities for work at home. Choose carefully, look for companies, which offer real products and provide good compensation plans. Easy work from home ideas such as multi-level marketing is great for people inclined towards sales.

Online Surveys

There are many companies who want you to sign up to take surveys. Choose sites that pay for the services with cash or merchandise. You shouldnt need to pay for the service. Sometimes these sites also include cash for reading emails offers. If you receive gifts for surveys and its an item you dont want, consider selling it on one of the online auction sites.

Online auctions

The most well known of these sites is eBay. You can offer new or used merchandise at auction. This is a simple and easy work from home idea and requires very little in the way of up front costs.

Trading Domains

Good domain names are out there. You can find names, which are underused and link them to your own site or another site. Sometimes, you can even receive a commission as an affiliate for items that are purchased through your link. Or, sell the domain names directly on an online auction. Easy work from home ideas does not get better than this!

Online stock, commodities and Forex (foreign exchange) trading

Are you interested in easy work from home ideas relating to finance? Learn to be a trader through the educational programs available on broker websites, start with a virtual trading account, practice with virtual money, and when you have gained confidence and experience, try it with real money. You will need a computer with a reliable Internet connection.

Description: This article describes the importance of a self-inventory in determining which work at home opportunity is best for the individual. Here are eight easy work from home ideas that require little cash, experience, or inventory are described briefly.

Kelvin Tan is an Internet Business Expert where he created $10,045 sales in 24 hours just by sending out 5 emails without any list or website. Click here - to know how he did it. To learn about the secrets of easy work from home ideas, visit Blog12371
Barbara Blog55330

Credit Card Lingo

Knowing Whats Out There And What To Choose

The World of finance can be a tricky game for both the seasoned veteran and the novice borrower. Banks can by accident or design make even the most simple information seem complicated and through this unwittingly (or not) induce their customers to go for products that might not be best suited to their needs.

Credit, charge, ATM and debit cards are not all alike. Although you might think that they are basically the same thing a way of making payment for purchases or means of getting cash they are actually quite different. So as to use these cards wisely, you should know what each one is and how it differs from the others. Heres some information to help you choose wisely.

Credit Cards

Credit cards can be a great way of paying for a purchase. They are easy to apply for, easy to use, and flexible in their repayment options. However, if you carry a balance, credit cards can be like very expensive loans.

A credit card works like this: the credit card company supplies you with a card; you use that card to pay for items and services up to a certain total amount -- your credit limit. The store or service provider then collects what you owe from the card issuer, whom you repay. You're then allowed to pay off as much or almost as little as you like off the balance each month, so long as you pay a minimum amount each time (usually 2.5 per cent).

On the outstanding balance youre charged interest (which can be as high as 25% or more each year) at the end of each monthly period, unless you pay the full balance each time your bill arrives.

Credit cards are immensely profitable for issuers for a variety of reasons. The high rate of interest yields issuing banks and companies vast profits in some cases the bulk of an institutions earnings. In addition to the interest, many companies charge an annual membership fee for a credit card, as well as a plethora of other charges, including late fees, over-the-limit fees and other miscellaneous charges. Companies also profit by charging stores a fee each time a customer uses a credit card in their establishment.

There are three different types of credit card available:

Unsecured Credit Cards

These cards are commonly made available to those with good credit history and credit score. These cards require no bank deposit amounts to secure and usually have no annual fees and low rate of interest.

Higher Risk Credit Cards

These cards are usually given to people who have a lower paying job, and/or poor credit history and credit score. Often these cards charge an activation fee, and also usually charge an annual fee of up to $80.

Secured Credit Cards

These cards are given to people who have a lower paying job, and/or a very poor credit history and credit score. Often these cards require a deposit to be made to the lender, sometimes as much as near or equal to the amount of credit available on the card. If the borrower can prove their credit worthiness over time, that credit limit is then upped. These cards also attract a high annual fee of up to $100 and charge high rates of interest.

Charge Cards

Charge cards (also known as travel and entertainment cards) are slightly from credit cards. The most famous charge cards, such as American Express and Diners Club, have an unlimited credit limit. Normally you can charge as much as you like, but you are required to pay off your balance in full when your bill arrives.

Theres one exception to this: If you charge air fare, cruise fees or hotel charges booked through a travel agent on an American Express card, you have an option to pay off your balance over 36 months. Theres a sting in the tail, however: you'll be charged around 20 per cent interest and will have to make minimum monthly payments of $20.

The way charge card companies like American Express make their profits is by charging very high annual fees up to $100 and by hitting merchants with relatively high charges each time a customer pays using their card.

If you don't pay your charge card bill in full (unless the charges are travel expenses on an American Express card), you'll get a one-month period of grace, when no interest is charged. Beyond that, however, you'll be charged interest, which weighs in at about 18 per cent. After about three months, if your account is still not settled, your account will be closed and your bill sent to the collections department.

Cash Advances

Some people use their credit or charge cards to obtain cash advances. This can be an expensive way of accessing cash. Most banks charge a transaction fee that can be as much as 4% for taking a cash advance. Interest is also charged from the date the cash advance is posted, even if its paid back in full when your bill arrives. Moreover, the interest rate is usually higher on cash advances than on ordinary credit card charges.

ATM & Debit Cards

ATM and debit cards offer most of the same functions as credit and charge cards, but the crucial difference is that the money comes out of your bank account straight away. If you dont have the money, you cant buy the product.

For some people this is a preferable option: they like to keep track of their outgoings, to keep tabs on what theyve spent, to avoid any sort of debt no matter how brief.

There are disadvantages to using debit cards. It doesnt give you the option of up to a month to settle your statement. You also don't have the right to withhold payment with a debit card (the money is immediately removed from the account) in the event of a dispute with the merchant over the goods or services paid for. Some banks and merchants also charge transaction fees for the use of debit cards.

Max Hunter is the author of many credit related articles. If you are looking for help with Home Loans or any other type of credit issue please visit us at http://www.creditcardunlimited.comBecki Blog98181
Bell Blog79140

Making your Website look Like a Butterfly

A well designed web-site is like a butterfly , it is beautiful and you have an irresistible urge to watch it, check it out see if you can fathom its meaning.. That is your goal in building a website.

You have to come as close as you can to creating that feeling when potential customers look at your first page , you want, you need to have them take a good hard look at your site.

So Sarah , How do I do that ? Well I am going to go over the basic but I also Have free resource you can just pop an email to me with he subject title Web Mastery and will Send you a free E-book that goes into a fair amount of detail on how and what you need to accomplish but the basics are here.

Before you get started you have several tasks and items to procure or obtain, you will need a

Domain name
Hosting company
Either a WYSIWYG editor
or An all in one package such as
A course on HTML
Decide if you are going to build your site your self

Once you have decided on these very basic first issues you then have to decide on how your ste4 will be built as a minin site one or two pages , A content site like this one about ten pages or a full fledged affiliate site with multiple tens of pages.

Then what is your niche? what appeals to your customer base - this is when you need to do lots and lots of research to get it clear in your mind as to what will best suit your market niche.

On Items 1-6 I would recommended that you bite the bullet and really learn how to build a website - that means you buy a product like FrontPage or XsitePro and you use the WYSIWIG editior (what you see is waht you get) If you are going to be in this business then be in it and take the time and invest the energy to learn at the very least how to build a site

IF you select either package you do not need any sort of html editor, it is built in to the e package as far as cost goes XsitePro is approx 249.00 I purchased my copy of front page form for 89.00 I have seen it as low as 59.00

I purchased a Book from Barnes and Nobel that came with a great cd tutorial for 24.95 so I could have been building my site for approx 85.00 not bad.

Now you need to buy a domain name and I strongly suggest you buy it from or through your hosting company- if not you will be stuck for 60 days before you can transfer the name to another host company , A really good hosting company is hosting revolution - Their 20..00 per year plan is more than adequate to get you u and to run your first several sites.

The first thing to remember is that your website is a reflection of who you are and your target market. Before you can begin the process of building a website you will need to get a registered domain name and a host company to put your site on the internet. You then have to decide how you will accomplish the sometimes arduous task of constructing the site.

Something you should be aware of because I was not when I started this process. I purchased domain names from one provider who will call Company A, (I shopped for low price) I repeated the process of looking for a low priced alternative for hosting. We will call them company B.

I then tried to transfer my new domain names from company A to company B. Well they tried for several days to accomplish the transfer and they were repeatedly told the domains were locked by myself and I spent several very frustrating days working with Company A to transfer the domains. Then I found out that when you first buy or renew a domain name with a specific registrar the domain has to stay with them for sixty days.

If someone had been able to inform me of that before I shopped for the best price and thinking just how intelligent I was then I would have saved myself over two weeks of working on nothing but the transfer of these names.

That's how I did it the first time My total investment was less than 150.00 and I built my first site with FrontPage and the tutorial.

Sarah Thompson is highly experienced at finding no to low cost options for boosting sales and starting an online business. You Can get more Info at her site Blog92465
Celina Blog22967

Advantages Of Earning Your Degree Online

Online at the Back of the Line

If earning your degree, especially as a mid-life returning student, is about personal fulfillment or training to start your entrepreneurship, then where or how you get your degree isn't important to you. What's important is simply that you learn what you need to learn.

If, however, you're looking for a degree to start or advance your career and you'll need to impress an employer or potential employer with that degree, you may be somewhat at a disadvantage having earned it online.

It doesn't seem fair, and in the next few decades this will undoubtedly change as online degrees become more common. But for now there is some resistance on the part of employers to the idea that you have learned as much as you might have in the classroom. The most notable exceptions to this are in the areas where the job skills you'll tackle once you get your degree rely on your technical and Internet savvy: high tech, new media, and telecommunications. Many employers also value an online consultant-related degree as highly as one earned on campus.

Employers' concerns about online degrees are that the student is losing out on valuable career-related input because of failure to interact face to face with instructor and peers. They also say it's just such a new concept that the jury has to be out on whether students are really learning this way - unlike classroom-focused education.

The career choices for which employers are least likely to accept online training are in health care, legal professions, biotechnology, governmental and financial services.

A survey of hundreds of human resource executives resulted in several suggestions for online-degreed job hunters: (1) Be up front with the employer that you earned your degree online; (2) Come to the interview armed with verification of the courses' or degrees' value - textbooks, tests, course materials, information on accreditation and even testimonials from respected educators or graduates who now hold influential and respected positions; (3) Offer some real hands-on experience such as an internship in the field. (4) Intersperse your online courses with courses or outside activities that show your team and people person skills - join Toastmasters, hold an office (student, non-profit organization or otherwise, join the school debate team or write for the school paper).

With one notable exception these do seem like good suggestions. The first idea, to let your employer know up front that you earned your degree online, seems self-serving on the part of these human resource folks. Surely this is not good advice for a job candidate who is under no obligation to explain how she or he got the degree - unless of course she bought it.

But that's an ethics issue. This is not. What this is more likely about is the employers' desires to delve into things about which they have no business. In the minds of many, undoubtedly, those who earn their degrees online are those who are tied down as caregivers of children, older than the age of the typical college student (which isnt' really typical anymore anyway,) or perhaps medically homebound for a time. None of which is ever the business of a recruiter.

The best advice, ultimately, for those who earn their degrees or part of their degrees online, is that they do not share this information unless asked directly. This is probably going to be sound advice at least until there has been a decade or so of entrepreneur or executive level success as a result of online-degreed education.

Robert Michael is a writer for Degree-SU which is an excellent place to find degrees links, resources and articles. For more information go to: http://www.degreesu.comAllsun Blog92753
Adelind Blog41889

Drying Flowers for Crafts

Although there are somethings we wish could last forever or a moment we wish would never end, ultimately they do. The memory of the special event, however, can be preserved for us to recall and enjoy for a long time to come. Drying flowers is a simple and inexpensive way to preserve these cherished moments. There are multiple ways to use your flowers and preserve them for crafts and decorations. Whether they were a gift, or from a special day they can be made into something to enjoy long after that time has passed.

One way to preserve flowers and use in crafts is by hanging them to dry. If you decide to preserve your flowers whole, and intact, you will need to decide this before they have fully bloomed. If a flower has opened up too much, when it is dried the petals will fall off. The brighter and more vivid the fresh flower is, the better color it will have as it dries. If you want more intense colors, be sure to start with that trait in the fresh flower. If the dried flower will be used with it's stem, it would be best to wire the stem while the flower is still fresh. Then attach the flower, upside down, to a wire hanger and leave in a dark place for two to three weeks. If the dried flowers will be stored a while before use, cover them with a light material, such as tissue paper to keep the dust off.

Flowers preserved in this way can be used for a variety of purposes. For a special event, such as a wedding, some people want to preserve their bouquets. After following drying instructions bouquets can be placed as a wall hanging next to the wedding photo, in a shadow box, or simply placed on a table or in a hutch. After flowers are dried they can also be put back in a vase and set on a table. If a single flower is preserved, perhaps to save on space, it can be laid over the wedding frame on in front of the wedding photo. Individually dried flowers can also be used when making a wreath. Flowers do not have to have special meaning, any flower that dries well can be used to make an arrangement. In addition to adding a variety of leaves, berries, ribbon or other embellishments, dried flowers look beautiful in a wreath. Sometimes less is more, if your wreath is not looking right, try lessening the amount of items in it.

Flowers can also be preserved by being pressed. This method is simple and can be used for things you want to keep forever, or for special cards or invitations. Although you can buy kits to press, they can also be made by having several layers of cardboard stacked with flowers laid out on each sheet and then bound with adjustable straps that you can tighten to ensure a successful drying process. Pressed flowers are very versatile in their uses. When making wedding announcements a pressed flower of the wedding colors is a beautiful addition to the invitations. They can also be used to make cards or baby announcements. Another option for pressed flowers is to place them as a garden scene in an old window or frame. Glue them on a separate piece of glass, not part of the original frame, cut to the same size and then placed and secured to the frame. Any size can be attractive and used any where in a home, from a bathroom to bedroom. The flowers do not have to be the center of the picture, but can also be placed around a photo or poem on the mat. This is a wonderful way to incorporate the flowers to the event, but do it in a small, elegant way.

If you can find a way to preserve special memories they will bring joy for years. Although fresh flowers are beautiful, dried ones can be just as enjoyable. By finding various ways to use your flowers, you will be surrounded by your memories and remember those happy times when life might be more difficult.

Emma Snow is a creator at for Ornament Shop and Craft Kits leading portals for crafts and ornaments.Arlen Blog59317
Cairistiona Blog64261

I Love French Wine And Food - A Bordeaux Merlot

If you are in the market for fine French wine and food, you should consider the world-famous Bordeaux region of southwestern France. You may find a bargain, and I hope that you'll enjoy yourself on this fact-filled wine education tour in which we review a red Merlot from an internationally renowned producer.

Among France's eleven wine-growing regions Bordeaux ranks first in acreage with about 50% more land devoted to vineyards than the second-place Rhone Valley. But it's more than just a question of acreage and volume. Bordeaux is widely considered as one of the top wine producing regions of the entire earth and has been for centuries. The wine reviewed below comes from the Pomerol area on the right bank of the Garonne River, which divides Bordeaux in two.

Bordeaux produces over seventy million cases of wine per year, about 85% red, 12 white, and the rest rose. That works out to more than two million cases of rose wine per year. I don't remember ever tasting a Bordeaux rose. I promise to deal with this problem later in the series. There are more than twenty two thousand vineyards in Bordeaux covering about 280 thousand acres, which works out to somewhat less than 13 acres per vineyard. Approximately one half of the vineyards produce wine, and in total about 6000 properties produce and sell their own wine, while the rest sell their wine through cooperatives. Bordeaux boasts about 60 different wine appellations ranging from fair-to-middling to world class with plenty in between. Some Bordeaux wine classifications date back to 1855 and have barely changed since, except that Baron Rothschild was able to get his best wine promoted from Second Cru (second growth) to Premier Cru (First Growth). Those in the know say that his Chateau Lafitte definitely deserves this honor. We intend to review some fairly top-notch Bordeaux wines sooner or later. In the meantime the wine reviewed below is very affordable. Interestingly enough, its noble cousin, Chateau Petrus, crafted by the same producer with the same grape in the same area holds no prestigious classification. However, Chateau Petrus is definitely world class and comes with a price to match, if the wine merchant will even look at your money.

It may surprise you but Merlot is the most important Bordeaux red grape. Cabernet Sauvignon comes in a distant second. We'll talk about the remaining important Bordeaux red grape varieties elsewhere in this series. The major white grapes are Semillon and Sauvignon Blanc. Pomerol is a small, rural region of Bordeaux that produces only red wine. Its major grape varieties are Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Merlot.

Pomerol's main tourist attractions are the wine chateaux. You may be surprised but the world famous Chateau Petrus doesn't look all that great. The most attractive Chateaux are Chateau Nenin and Vieux Chateau Certan but even they are far from spectacular. As the famous phrase goes, you can't judge a book by its cover. Of course the Bordeaux region is brimming with sights to see which will be described in the appropriate articles.

Before reviewing the Bordeaux wine and imported cheeses that we were lucky enough to purchase at a local wine store and a local Italian food store, here are a few suggestions of what to eat with indigenous wines when touring this beautiful region. Start with Gravette Huitres (Oysters from the Arcachon Bay). For your second course savor Lamproie au Pomerol (Eels cooked in Red Wine and Chocolate). And as dessert indulge yourself with Cannelles de Bordeaux ("Portable Creme Brulee).

OUR WINE REVIEW POLICY All wines that we taste and review are purchased at the full retail price.

Wine Reviewed Moueix Merlot 2003 12.3% about $13.00

Let's start by quoting the marketing materials. No one knows Merlot better than Christian Moueix, owner of the world famous Chateau Petrus. Year after year, his wines define Merlot. Soft and round with aromas of raspberry, cedar and blueberry, this wine delivers ripe fruit, great balance and a medium long finish. It's magic with veal medallions and sauteed mushrooms, or baked pasta.

My first pairing was with turkey meatballs, potatoes, and sauteed vegetables in a moderately spicy tomato sauce. This wine was round and full-bodied. It was quite long with pleasant acidity but overpowered the meat. The Merlot's taste improved after I ate some potatoes. When I finished the glass after the meal, the wine was quite rich and I started tasting blackberries.

My next meal consisted of slow-cooked beef stew and potatoes with a somewhat spicy sauce and two rather spicy side salads. The wine was full-bodied and agreeably acidic, tasting of plums and black cherries. Once again I enjoyed finishing the glass after the meal. The spices were intensified. I can only imagine what its famous cousin, Chateau Petrus, would taste like but at forty times the cost (or more), I can only imagine.

The final meal included hamburgers, rice, cauliflower and red peppers in a tomato sauce. The sauce should have been enlivened by Harissa, a Moroccan hot pepper spice that turned out to be fairly weak. The Merlot tasted of dark fruits and tobacco with a bit of black pepper. The only downside was that the wine was not long.

As always, the cheese tastings came last. I started with a Palet de Chevre, which is a goat's milk cheese from the Poitou Charentes region of central-western France. Honestly, if I didn't know that it was a goat's milk cheese I never would have guessed. It simply looked and tasted like a slightly runny Camembert. The combination was almost OK, but deadened the wine's flavor somewhat. Cheese number two was a Gruyere from Switzerland. The wine bounced back in the Gruyere's presence, but frankly was too good for the cheese.

Final verdict. No doubt about it; I want this wine again. And should the day come that I'll buy its noble cousin, Chateau Petrus, I'll still be buying this wine.

Levi Reiss has authored, alone or with others, ten computer and Internet books, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine French or other wine, accompanied by the right foods and the right people. He teaches various and sundry computer classes in an Ontario French-language community college. His main travel website is which links to his other web sites.Adriena Blog789
Ailee Blog45711

Diet + Weight Control for Children

Let your child know he or she is loved and appreciated whatever his or her weight. An overweight child probably knows better than anyone else that he or she has a weight problem. Overweight children need support, acceptance, and encouragement from their parents.

Focus on the health and positive qualities of your child. NEVER focus on the weight of your child.

Try not to treat your child differently if he or she is overweight. Instead, focus on gradually changing the physical activities and eating habits of your family.

Be a good role model for your child. If your child sees you enjoying healthy foods and physical activity, he or she is more likely to do the same now and for the rest of his or her life.

Realize that an appropriate goal for many overweight children is to maintain their current weight while growing normally in height. They do not necessarily need to lose weight.


Children normally need a certain number of calories each day (energy allowance). Their bodies use these calories as energy for normal daily activities (walking, breathing, etc.).

The approximate calorie-needs for boys are: from 2000 calories for a 7-10 year old, 2500 calories for an 11-14 year old, and 3000 calories for a 15-18 year old.

The approximate calorie needs for girls are: from 2000 calories for a 7-10 year old, to 2200 calories for an 11-18 year old.


*Decreasing calories-in: meaning eat fewer calories, or

*Increasing calories-out: meaning burn more calories, or

*Ideally, a combination of both.


The first goal of weight management in kids and young teenagers should be to stop weight gain and maintain normal growth in height. This way they can GROW INTO their weight. To start, have your child eat healthier (about 500 fewer calories each day) and begin a program of regular exercise and physical activity.

Once your child has stopped gaining weight and is on a regular program of dieting and exercising, you can set further goals of slow weight loss, if necessary. Do so cautiously.


It is important to modify the behaviors that have caused your child to become overweight and prevent weight loss, including:

You should limit television viewing to about one or two hours each day (this includes playing video games or using the computer). Watching television encourages lack of exercise and exposes the viewer to fatty food commercials.

You should limit snacks to two each day and they can include low-calorie foods, such as raw fruits or vegetables. Avoid using high calorie or high fat foods for snacks, especially chips, cookies, etc.

You should encourage your child to drink four to six glasses of water each day, especially before meals. Water has no calories and it will help you to feel full. Other drinks can include diet sodas and lowfat milk. Avoid letting your child drink regular soft drinks or fruit juices, as they are high in calories (150-170 calories per serving).

If you think it helps your child to improve his eating habits, (sometimes it does not) encourage him to keep a weekly journal of food and beverage intake. You should definitely encourage a teenager to keep track of the amount of time he spends watching television, playing videogames and exercising. You might also record your child's weight once a week.

It is not necessary to count calories, but you and your child should become more educated about the foods you eat and how many calories they contain. You should begin to routinely check the nutrition label of the foods that your family is eating. You want to try and eat foods low in calories and also low in fat. Be careful of many low fat or so-called diet foods, as they can still be high in calories even though they are low in fat.

Also, begin checking the serving size of prepared meals and snacks. A bag of chips might only have 200 calories, but you may be surprised when the serving size is only 10 chips.


Your child should eat three well-balanced meals of average size each day. Serve fewer fatty foods. It is best to prepare foods that are baked, broiled or steamed, rather than fried. In addition to a small serving of lean meat, provide large servings of vegetables.

Avoid serving seconds of the main course or desert. You can eat more salad or other vegetables if still hungry.

Serve fresh fruit as a dessert and avoid frequent eating of ice cream or cake or other high calorie foods.

Buy low-calorie and lower-fat meals, snacks and deserts and buy low fat or skim milk and diet drinks. Avoid buying high calorie deserts or snacks, such as snack chips, regular soft drinks or regular ice cream.

Avoid letting your child eat meals or snacks outside of the kitchen or dining room. And discourage eating while watching TV.

You should limit how often you allow your children to eat fast food, as it is usually high in fat and calories.


Be physically active. It is recommended that Americans accumulate at least 30 minutes (adults) or 60 minutes (children) of moderate physical activity most days of the week.

Even greater amounts of physical activity may be necessary for the prevention of weight gain, for weight loss, or for sustaining weight loss. Plan family activities that provide everyone with exercise and enjoyment.

Provide a safe environment for your children and their friends to play actively. Encourage swimming, biking, skating, ball sports, and other fun activities.


*Follow the dietary guidelines for healthy eating.

*Guide the choices for your family rather than dictate foods.

*Encourage your child to eat when hungry and to eat slowly.

*Eat meals together as a family as often as possible.

*Carefully cut down on the amount of fat and calories in the eating plan your family follows.

*Do not place your child on a restrictive diet.

*Avoid the use of food as a reward.

*Avoid withholding food as punishment.

*Children should be encouraged to drink water and to limit intake of beverages with added sugars, such as soft drinks, fruit juice drinks, and sports drinks.

*Plan for healthy snacks. Stock the refrigerator with fat-free or low-fat milk, fresh fruit, and vegetables instead of soft drinks or snacks that are high in fat, calories, or added sugars and low in essential nutrients.

*Aim to eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

*Eating a healthy breakfast is a good way to start the day and may be important in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.


The diet for you child should be safe and nutritious. It should include all of the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for vitamins, minerals, and protein and contain the foods from the major Food Guide Pyramid groups. Any weight-loss diet should be low in calories (energy) only, not in essential nutrients.

Even with extremely overweight children, weight loss should be gradual. Crash diets and diet pills can compromise growth and are not recommended by many health care professionals.

Weight lost during a diet is frequently regained unless children are motivated to change their eating habits and activity levels for a lifetime. Weight control must be considered a lifelong effort.

A physician should supervise any weight management program for children.

Chris Chenoweth, author of the DO-IT-YOURSELF HOME, HEALTH & MONEY GUIDE (, writes articles pertaining to nutrition, health issues, and household budgeting.Becky Blog79667
Aila Blog86872

California Schools Educators Retirement System and Lionstone Group Create Investment Fund

The California State Teachers Retirement System (CSTRS) is the second largest public pension fund in the nation, providing retirement, disability and survivor benefits to California schools educators. Over 776,000 kindergarten through community college educators are members of the CSTRS, which currently has an investment portfolio of $142 billion.

Keeping quality educators in the California schools is of primary concern to everyone in the state. Without well-educated California schools youth, the city, businesses and economy of the state will suffer. Thus, when Lionstone Group, a research-based real estate investment firm, announced last month they and CSTRS had formed a discretionary $100 million real estate investment fund, the news was well received by everyone. As with any organization, good benefits will attract and keep quality educators in the California schools.

What makes the announcement so exciting is Lionstones track record with another fund it created with the Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund (OPERF). Called the Cash Flow Office One, the fund has consistently exceeded expectations since its inception in December 2002. At that time, OPERF committed $75 million to the fund, expecting Lionstone to invest the capital within 24 months. Lionstone invested over 80 percent of OPERFs capital within 12 months with excellent returns. OPERF expanded its funding commitment in 2004 and now has over $200 million of equity and owns 20 office buildings around the country that are valued at $550 million.

Like OPERFs fund, the California schools educators fund, known as the Cash Flow Office Two, will target high occupancy office buildings in permanent locations across the United States.

CSTRS has committed $100 million to the fund, which can grow to over $500 million over time. Lionstone contributes one percent of the funds total equity. With the combined equity added to debt of up to 50 percent loan-to-value (LTV), the total buying power of the fund is approximately $1 billion.

The Lionstone Group was formed in 2001. It creates national investment strategies using primary research. Dedicated teams execute each investment strategy, including the fund for the California schools educators. Before creating the fund with the California schools educators retirement system, Lionstone refined their investment process to target locations that produce buildings with lower risk factors, according to Lionstone Principal Dan Dubrowski.

The California schools CSTRS Portfolio Manager Michael Thompson stated that the Lionstone management team over the Cash Flow Office Two fund is very entrepreneurial. He added that their skill set will enable CSTRS to continue to grow their core real estate portfolio.

This news gives all California schools educators hope for a better future, knowing they have an excellent resource during their tenure with the California schools and in retirement.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on California schools visit Blog61321
Ashien Blog34998

The Biggest Reason Why Network Marketers Fail

Why do people join a network marketing company one week, then in two months, drop out? What frustrates network marketers the most? What causes most network marketers to quit before they even reach their full potential? Is it the product? Is it the company? Is it their upline? Is it the compensation plan? Is it the timing? I would venture to say that it is none of the above.

Before I reveal the reason why most network marketers quit, I want to expose why they start. The list is endless but I do want to name a few. Most people join a network marketing company to be their own boss, make extra income, work from home, have freedom, be financially free, leverage their time, put their kids in private school, to help people, etc. A lot of the meetings are very exciting, full of information, and packed with normal people doing extraordinary things. The energy level is so high, that a person will leave high as a kite and extremely excited. Most people make a mental commitment to take their business to everyone they know.

But where most network marketers fail is the lack of massive exposure. At the top of any network marketing company is the person that exposed his or her business the most. Massive exposure is so critical in a persons business. I think it is as important as oxygen. Think about it, if a person doesnt have massive exposure that means no money is coming in, and the business is dying. That means that individual is frustrated and thinking that this thing doesnt work. If the only people that know what you are doing is you, then you dont have any exposure.

Now in the world of network marketing, exposure is making a list of all the people you know. Then you tell them about what you have to offer. You are instructed to get referrals and then teach others to do the same thing. When your list runs out, then you have to prospect. For most, that is truly outside their comfort zone. A lot of people quit at that point. I can understand why too. I think this method is effective to a degree. If a person masters the referral business, then their business can explode. But most people dont.

There are many ways that an individual can have massive exposure. After researching and experiencing so many nights of frustration, I believe that the internet is the best tool that a network marketer can have. Think about it, the world wide web is used by billions of people around the world. All a person has to do is figure out the best way to get his or her service out to the masses. That individual may only want to stay local or national. Or, if you are like me, then you want a global business. There are free ways to get it done too. I dont believe in spending money unnecessarily. So why should you? Just invest time in finding the way that works best for you and then work it. You will have success.

Adrian Hines has written numerous articles on his success and failures in network marketing. He is now an independent distributor of a Wellness company that has yet to go public. He is always looking for people that are looking for him. To learn more, visit Blog48269
Aprilette Blog32710

Choosing Furniture For Your Dining Room

Although estate agents and property pundits keep telling us that the kitchen-diner is the place to be, theres still a lot to be said for a more formal dining area in your home. Many people who love the informality of a kitchen table also want to have somewhere special for family occasions, holiday meals or just to provide an additional eating space.

When youre choosing dining room furniture, you want to be sure that you are buying a table and chairs that will fit well into your room and give you the flexibility and space you need for those special meals. You want a table that will look great when its not in use, but is practical; able to sit a large number of people comfortably, wide enough to accommodate place settings and serving dishes and sturdy enough to withstand late-night dinner parties or raucous childrens teas.

Youll also need to think about how much you can spend on your furniture. A dining room table is a big purchase and an expensive one. Consider how often you will be using the room and what for make sure you choose a table that you can live with for many years, rather than one thats trendy this year but will be out of fashion by next Christmas.

There is a wide range of dining furniture available, and it pays to take the time to do some research. Browse the internet for ideas, or take a look at interior dcor magazines to see what sort of furniture appeals to you. Visit showrooms to check out prices and to try out the furniture for yourself. Theres nothing worse than spending a fortune on furniture only to discover that the chairs are uncomfortable or the extendable leaves dont work smoothly.

Buying furniture for your dining room needs to be an informed process, just like any other. Get it right, and you will have invested in a beautiful piece of furniture that will last a lifetime.

Napton Teaks specialises in teak and rosewood furniture for your home. Visit our website now by clicking on Blog45072
Bride Blog43895

Bad Credit Used Car LoansAdverse Credentials No Hurdle in Owning Car

To buy a new car is often not that easy for every aspiring person because of financial constraints. He therefore settles for a used car but here also he faces one big hurdle as he is labeled bad credit in the loan market, making lenders suspicious in offering loan. Bad credit used car loans can take care of all the worries of such borrowers. The loan can be utilized in buying any type of used car.

Borrowers of Bad credit used car loans need not to worry about their bad credit at all. Lenders do not take pains in doing extensive credit checks while such people intend to buy used cars. This is mainly owing to the fact that any car loan including used car loan is essentially a secured loan. Lender either asks the borrower for giving any property to secure the loan or he can ask for deal papers of used car. The deal papers are returned to the car owner when the loan is finally paid off. Meanwhile the owner can have and enjoy the car.

However despite the security, there are risks present in the loan offer for a lender. If the borrower fails to repay the loan, lender may not get back the entire loaned amount by selling used car, the price of which may have gone down sharply. To cover the risks, lenders charge higher interest rate on bad credit used car loans. But a loan seeker can take the loan at comparatively lower interest rate if he comparers different loan packages as each lender has own rate of interest on the loan.

When the lender approves you the loan, this allows you to buy used car. Take some precautions while buying the car. Used car may have mechanical defects. Repair those defects your self or in case you are not in a position to pay for repairs, better buy a used car with a warranty. There are many buy-here-pay-here car lots. Skip them as they generally have low quality used cars and they will not report the car deal to credit rating agency. Therefore this car deal will not be recorded in your credit report, depriving you an opportunity for improving credit score.

Numbers of lenders have displayed bad credit used car loans on their websites. Search these sites so to get an insight of the loan market and the prevailing interest rate or terms-conditions. Compare interest rates before settling for a lender. Apply to the lender on a online simple format giving required details. Lender will soon convey the loan worthiness and approval in no time after verifying the information about you.

Make sure to pay off the loan installments in time as this will improve credit score and help in avoiding debts. The loan gives you easy access to used car so get the best of opportunity.

Gary Grobowski is working as financial consultant for badcreditusedcarloan. He holds a masters degree in Finance. Calypso Blog6285
Ailee Blog39510

Laptops Are Becoming Increasingly More Popular. But Why?

In the Lap of Luxury

Laptops are becoming increasingly more popular, and have evolved so much that some business people and individuals are using them as their only computer. The reasons laptops are popular is that they are portable, they use far less power than desktop computers, and they make less noise. The disadvantages of laptops, however, are that they are usually slower than desktop models, have fewer graphics, and their power to process sound is not as robust. As laptops are upgraded, however, many of these differences are not substantial enough to even be noticeable to the average computer user.

Laptops are generally more costly than desktop computers, although that may not be the cost for much longer. The price of both is falling continually, with the price of laptops dropping more quickly. As of May 2005 more laptops were sold in the United States than desktop computers.

Laptops and desktops are actually quite similar in design, with the same basic software, hardware and operating systems. The basic difference between the two is in how these components are fitted together. Laptops, of course, of necessity, must have more compact components.

Desktop computers have motherboards, hard drives, video cards and their other hardware components assembled together and housed in a large case, commonly referred to as the CPU (central processing unit) or the tower. In a desktop model the keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer and other peripherals are connected to the tower by wire or through the newest technology are connected wirelessly. Each CPU or tower has plenty of extra internal space for additional cards, cables and the circulation of air.

A laptop, of course, is considerably smaller and lighter weight than the smallest tower for a desktop. Neither the mouse, keyboard nor monitors are peripherals, but rather part of the laptop unit itself. There isnt a lot of extra space for circulation of air or addition of cards. Not only must laptop components be compact but their heat production must be considerably lower than that of desktop components, and they must conserve considerably more power. Thus the additional cost.

The CPU, also called the microprocessor, works with the laptops operating system to control the computer. This CPU is the brain for laptops. In a desktop computer a CPU generates a considerable amount of heat, so it must have a fan and a heat sink. The heat sink is made up of plates, channels and radiator fins that work systematically to draw heat away from the processor.

Laptops have CPUs that run at lower clock speeds and voltage. The heat is reduced, and power is not consumed as greatly, but the processor is slower as a result. Most laptops will run faster and at a voltage that is higher when they run on electricity than when they run on batteries.

Laptop processors dont use pins to mount to their motherboard, which saves room. The two alternatives are for the processors to mount right to the laptop motherboard without any socket, or to use a micro-FCBGA (Flip Chip Ball Grid Array.) The latter replaces pins with balls. The disadvantage of this, however, is that the owner cannot replace or upgrade the processor because it cant be removed from the motherboard.

Laptops have slow-down, hibernation or sleep modes. These reduce the speed of the CPU when the laptop is not in use. One Macintosh processor actually prioritizes its data to help minimize the drain on its battery.

Some laptops use CPUs made for desktops, but that are designed to run at slower clock speed. Performance is improved in these laptops but they tend to run considerably hotter than other laptops, and their battery life is reduced a great deal.

Robert Michael is a writer for which is an excellent place to find Notebooks links, resources and articles. For more information go to: Laptops & Notebooks.Brynn Blog32573
Allx Blog5522

Us Should Not Continue Tightening The Economic Grip On Cuba

The US government is one of the three countries in the world that have initiated and maintained the Cuba blockage. Specifically, only US, Israel and Uzbekistan are the rejecting the voice of the United Nations General Assembly to seize this type of trade treatment. More cases appear every year in the news regarding the US embargo consequences on the lives of millions of Cubans. Food, medicine and other important supplies are withheld from the citizens of this island due to its political history and recent communist upheaval that led Fidel Castro in power. But although the General Assembly of the United Nations approved a resolution, condemning the economic blockade that the US has applied to Cuba for more than 35 years, the situation remains almost unchanged.

Some critics consider the Cuban resolution not only a logical decision but actually one of great importance for the Cuban citizens' well-being. Health personnel reported an increase in some infectious diseases, an increase in iron-deficiency anemia among pregnant women and young children, and a rise in the incidence of low-birth-weight babies. The Ministry of Public Health attributes these changes, to problems in importation of food supplies; and that the neuropathy epidemic, which appeared in late 1991 in Cuba, is probably partly the result of nutritional deficiencies.

But in order for the Cuban situation to improve, a company has to be able to invest in such a challenging environment without being excluded from tremendously important markets like that of the US. On the other hand, the possibility of Cuba making any product or service purchases, especially medical ones from the United States, will remain a distant "dream" as long as the embargo is in place, according to the government of Fidel Castro. Thus, under the current circumstances, given the absence of normal commercial relations or transportation mechanisms between the two countries, "it is not practical or viable to speak of such transactions," the Cuban Minister of Public Health, Carlos Dotres, had said in 2000. This fact is further supported by the fact that there is currently great difficulty in purchasing products since there are no commercial flights between the two countries and ships that dock in Cuba are prohibited from visiting the US ports for the following six months.

Meanwhile, the regulations accompanying the decision to streamline procedures for licensing purchases of supplies and health care equipment, rather than making trading more flexible, have in fact created more obstacles, according to local experts. The seller, for example, must oversee the product until it reaches its final destination, which according to U.S. policy may not be linked to the Cuban government or be used in biotechnological production under any circumstances. The U.S. companies that Cuba has contacted, often back away from completing the sale when they realize that they must account for the destination of their exports and who they will benefit.

After carefully studying and analyzing this county's case, it is only logical to conclude that the United States embargo should not continue to force the Cuban citizens to search for another country and especially US as their new permanent residence. The US will not act wisely by tightening further the economic grip on Cuba as the opposite, according to business experts, can result in numerous advantages for the US.

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles for - In addition, Jonathon also writes articles for and Blog25329
Anne Corinne Blog55083

Golf Clubs

Golf is an exciting game. People who have never tried golf can never judge what joy and excitement lies beneath a swing of the club. A perfect game of golf highly depends on the choice of a golf club.

It is hard to determine which club would best suit a golfer but there is such a wide range of golf clubs in the world that every golfer can metaphorically speaking get a golf club specially designed for him. You must have noticed and wondered at the number of golf clubs that the caddie is seen carrying along in the golf bag. The fact is that a golf player can carry 14 golf clubs with him at a time. The golf clubs come in sets that have been fixed some how during the course of years. To have a good and perfect shot the player should not use a single club for all the shots. Your shots should be consistent and you should know which club suits you and which would assist your swing in the most accurate way. If you are an experienced player you will instantly know when your ball lands on a certain spot; which club should you take next.

The usual set of clubs that is sold in the markets consists of 2 wedges, 8 iron clubs, 3 wooden clubs and a putter. That is the basic requirement of a player during a game. These golf clubs are designed in a specific way and they are graded with different numbers according to the angels that the club heads have and their weight plus their shaft length. This angel is known as the loft of the club head. And this specific angel of the club head makes the ball take the flight in a certain direction. You can notice the difference when you hit a ball with either a bat or a plain stick and you will find out the difference yourself.

There are Iron clubs are used for playing shorter shorts and their length is even shorter because of the same reason. The wedge is actually one of the iron headed clubs and these are the shortest. And these wedges and the putters are used for playing shots from the bunkers and the greens.

The wooden clubs are the best and they are longest in length. They are made from different kinds of woods that may differ in different countries. However the fact remains that while you are playing golf you should be careful with the choice of clubs that you make for playing a good game.

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles for - In addition, Jonathon also writes articles for and Blog99576
Alex Blog66221

Try An Animated Mouse Cursor

Mouse cursors are useful and functional as they help you get an idea about where you are supposed to type. They usually look so unobtrusive, that we hardly notice them. The important thing is that they work great for us, and show where typing should take place. I hardly even noticed my mouse cursor until the day that I had to use another computer. It was my colleagues and it had a strange animated mouse cursor in the form of an angel. I really looked bewildered and couldnt start to type at all, as I couldnt manage to point to tha specific place that I wanted. The case made me think really hard about mouse cursors, and all those sweet aesthetic innovations that people use to put on their computers with the single intention to personalize them and mess up everyone who is using them.

Animated mouse cursors have come as an entertainment for children, so that they can make their cursors funny and nice-looking. But gradually those childish animated mouse cursors became a craze. That is what gets me really perplexed. I wonder how a sane individual would like to make her or his mouse cursor in the shape of a dog? Does this show sanity and grown-up thinking in any way? I have always thought that when something is practical and has a functional role, it shouldnt be made to look like a clownish gadget. Take those stupid desktop animations, for example. They not only take large space from your memory, but they really look preposterous. But many people actually seem to adore them, even grown-up working people!

Its the same case with the hideous mouse cursors: some infantile people just cannot resist the opportunity to put an animated shit in the place of their mouse cursor. Not to mention the fact that pointing with these animated mouse cursors is really hard, and people lose their time just to fix the problems of irregularities in typing!

Anyway, if they feel like it, why not enjoy themselves for a while. There is a subtle psychological cause for some people downloading animated mouse cursors, and I came to understand it pretty soon. Animated mouse cursors are a stupid invention, but they actually help some people overcome their general disgust towards their work. They can be really supportive if someone hates the things he or she is supposed to type. Animated mouse cursors really make the whole working process more personal, and people may come to even like it at some stage.

But in my opinion this is only a stupid waste of time: if you have to do one thing, you just do it and get over it- not waste your time making your computer settings looks as friendly as they can. No-one says that working with computer is a pleasant thing to do, but you can just get over it. Computers really rule the world, and people should admit it, instead of trying to hide from reality by making buffoons of themselves.

You know the little pointy thing that moves around on your screen whenever you move your mouse? Well, it is usually called a mouse cursor and is meant to indicate where you are supposed to type. Well, for all practical purposes, it is an essential, functional item of computer software. I know people have all kinds of weird fetishes, bit I cant for the life of me imagine why anyone of them could have come up with an invention as stupid as the animated mouse cursor.

Each time I see an animated mouse cursor, I am reminded of my disgusting nephew. Maybe I should explain myself on that one. You see, my little nephew, who pretends to have been born with radical computer skills visited me once. And in the brief while that he asked for my permission to check his mail on my home computer, he had managed to change the desktop settings, hide all my files and folders and worst of all, managed to replace my beautifully functional cursor with an animated mouse cursor.

Well, after some difficulty, I managed to get everything back to its original shape and intended purpose. But the animated mouse cursor really troubled me. And I couldnt even use the blasted thing. It was a whirling wheel that didnt allow me to point at anything at all. I mean, how does one point with an animated mouse cursor in the shape of a circle? And as an animation artist used to drawing complex figures, how was I supposed to draw with an animated mouse cursor?

Ever since, Ive had a healthy distaste for animated mouse cursors of all kinds. And each time I see someone else with an animated mouse cursor, Im sorely tempted to rip their computer apart and knock them on the head, all the while saying, how come you manage to point with that animated thing? Think about it. An animated mouse cursor comes in all sorts of shapes except one that is conducive to helping it do what it is supposed to! But in general, in order to be animated, these animated mouse cursors take the most confounded shapes. Ive even seen one shaped like a dog for heavens sake.

While I am sure that there are a lot of people who do enjoy these animated mouse cursors, Im pretty sure that Ill never learn to love them. Unless it is effective and functional and most certainly not animated.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning animation. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog2308
Ardelia Blog8173

Bad Debt? Get Unsecured Personal Loan and Be Stress Free

The future is the result of the past. This stands true enough if considered in context of your financial history. An error committed in the past may hamper your present financial position. Bad debt is also one of those situations which are a result of past disturbances in your financial life. It holds back your privilege of borrowing money in the future. But when bad debt unsecured loans are there, you can still satisfy your personal needs by availing easy fund from them.

Bad debt unsecured personal loans are a perfect solution for people having bad credit history. This justifies that you can avail these loans even if you have a case of arrear, defaults, CCJ, bankruptcy etc. You will get these loans with a low rate of interest and easy repayments because of your bad debt so that you can make prompt and timely repayment.

Bad debt unsecured loans are personal loans that are available without putting any collateral. That means you are free from putting any security against the loan amount. With Bad debt unsecured personal loans you have no risk to offer.

With a bad debt unsecured personal loan, you can gain an amount ranging between 1000- 25,000, with a repayment of 1-7 years. The interest rate is charged depending upon your loan amount.

A bad debt unsecured loan can let you perform various tasks. You can avail this loan to consolidate your debts, meet wedding, medical or educational expenses, holidaying, home improvement, buying a home or car etc.

Getting a bad debt unsecured personal loan is not at all a difficult task. Online lenders can get you loan in a very fast and convenient manner. All you need to do is to go online and fill an application form provided by them. The application will ask for certain details like your employment details, personal identity proof, residential proof and yes, your credit score. You will be required to show your credit score to let the lender know about your financial circumstances. If you do not know your credit score, you can send a request to the UK credit check agencies to run a credit check on your name. This way you will come to know about your credit score. With these few points, you can easily avail bad debt unsecured personal loans.

Bad credit unsecured personal loans not only offer you money at low rates but also gives you a chance to improve your credit score. This increases your chances of getting any type of loan in the future.

Tim Kelly is an expert in finance having completed her LLM in Finance (Master of Laws in Finance) from Institute for Law and Finance at Frankfurt University. He is currently working with BadDebtUnsecuredLoans as a financial advisor. To find bad debt unsecured loan, bad debt unsecured personal loan, bad debt business loan, bad debt fast unsecured loan in UK that best site's you need visit Blog24262
Arlee Blog43813

Non Status Mortgages For Those With Poor Credit

Non Status Mortgages

If you are having difficulty getting a mortgage from your usual bank, and if you have a poor credit history, perhaps bankruptcy, or you have fallen in to debt through no fault of your own, then you may want to consider non status mortgages as the solution. With one in three people experiencing problems with their credit history, the mortgage industry has developed a way of arranging mortgages even among high-risk clients. . Poor credit history and bankruptcy can prove major drawbacks in the search for a regular mortgage, but non-status mortgages can provide a solution to these problems. This solution can also help those who are unable to provide proof of income, such as the self-employed.

Who Is Suitable For Non Status Mortgages

Non status mortgages are available to anyone who has problems obtaining a normal mortgage. That could be the self employed, or those on a fluctuating wage, and even those who have bad credit. Basically, bad credit is anything that will be held against you when you apply to lenders for a mortgage. This may involve bankruptcy, repossessions, failure to pay back loans, defaulting on payments, or anything else that has caused the bank to consider you a high risk customer. If you fall into any of those categories, then you might find that a high-street lender will just not take the risk; but a non-status mortgage can give you more leeway when it comes to purchasing a house.

What Does It Mean To Have Non Status Mortgages

With non-status mortgages, you do not need to provide proof of earnings, and you do not need to supply things like taxation documents. You will also not have to provide any evidence of previous mortgages. You will still have to undergo a credit check, and your lender may wish for references from landlords or previous employers.

Getting The Best Deal On Non Status Mortgages

As with everything financial, do not fall into the arms of the first company that accepts you. Shop around; the chances are that if one company will give you a loan, there is another one out there that will. You should always have a few loan options, otherwise how will you know when you are being given a good deal. There are now more companies offering non-status mortgages than ever before, it pays to look around.

Risks Of Non Status Mortgages

As with all mortgages, there are a few risks to take into consideration. Because of the high risk status of the mortgage, there are often higher premiums, greater interest rates, and greater risk for the homeowner. As the lenders are taking a greater risk in lending you the money in the first place, they are inevitably going to raise the prices. This can mean very high charges, which can be a bit daunting if you are already in debt. The good news is that with the expansion of the mortgage industry, there are more companies out there that need customers, and this is driving the premiums and interest right down, even amongst high risk clients such as those applying for non-secure mortgages.

CopyrightIan D. Major2006

Ian D. Major is the editor of http://www.affordable-mortgage-search.comAnissa Blog39980
Bobine Blog17327

Do Herding Dogs Make Good Pets?

It isn't so much a matter of physical exercise, although that would make them very happy and tired. Mental exercise is an absolute must for herding dogs. With proper training and socialization, they are wonderful pets.

Modern breed research and understanding suggests that even intelligent dogs need training. What happens to a lot of herding dogs that get taken to the shelters is that their owners don't bother to train them. They hear the breed is intelligent and expect it to train itself.

Also a lot of the shelter dogs are impulse buys from pet stores, flea markets and parking lots by people who have no understanding of what a herding breed needs. An untrained and unsocialized herding dog can be a nightmare for a family with young children because they can and often do become very protective and territorial.

That can lead to the dog acting out aggressively based on his natural protective instincts or based on his fear. This is a broad generalization and not all dogs will react this way, but a strong guardian instinct is part of the herding breed standard. This is not surprising because they have been bred since ancient times to guard the farm, ranch, family and livestock.

Positive reinforcement training and consistent socialization are essential to living in peace (and having peace of mind) with a herding dog breed.

Dear Dog Owner,Aindrea Blog83403
Candi Blog72972

Buying A Laptop On A Budget Five Important Things That You Must Consider First

Laptop computers are getting smaller and more advanced every day. Fortunately, prices have been coming down as well. While that is great news for consumers, it doesnt change the fact that for most shoppers, a new laptop represents a large purchase and most large purchases are made on a strict budget. Fortunately, its fairly simple to get the most bang for your buck while making sure that your new laptop has all the features that you need and doesnt become quickly outdated. The key to buying a laptop on a budget is weighing needs versus wants in five main areas: size, screen, GPU, CPU, and RAM.


For most shoppers laptop size is a matter of personal preference, but when buying a laptop on a budget, size can be a major deal-breaker because a specific size preference may not be in the budget no matter which features you give up. The most economical laptops weigh in the 6- to 8-pound range. Laptops outside of this range are usually specifically designed to meet other criteria (like an ultra portable at 3 pounds, or a desktop replacement that rivals the power of a desktop), and thus they carry a premium. Stick to the mid-sized laptops, and your small budget will stretch that much further for the other components.


Screen size and laptop size are fairly dependent on each other, so if you stick to mid-sized laptops, there wont be many options for the LCD screen. While that may not seem like great news, the 15-inch screen that comes on most mid-sized laptops is more than adequate for most uses; and if this is not sufficient, then for stationary usage it is usually possible to attach a standard desktop monitor to the laptop to increase your screen real estate. If you have a desktop already (as most people do), you probably have a very capable monitor already on your desk; make sure to confirm with your retailer that using a separate monitor is possible on the laptop that you have chosen.


The video card (or GPU graphics processing unit) is the component that actually renders the images that appear on the screen. There are generally only two options for this component, but when buying a laptop on a budget you really only have one choice shared video. Now certainly the other option, a dedicated video card, produces far better results under demanding conditions; but shared video, where the video card actually shares the RAM of the computer versus having its own, is perfectly fine for daily use and is certainly more affordable. It is important to note that a shared video card generally will not play current computer video games, so if that is important to you, its probably best to wait until you have more money; or instead use your laptop budget to buy a more affordable desktop that can handle playing a graphics-intensive game.


The CPU is one area where you can really save some money! Dont get caught up in the hype of the newest processor on the market; its easy to feel pressure to buy the latest and greatest technology so your laptop isnt obsolete the day after purchase, but with the central processing unit, or CPU, you can safely go a few steps down from the current processor to save some major cash. You likely wont even notice that you have made a compromise, and this will give you some money to put into other areas of the laptop.


The RAM, or random access memory, gives your laptop thinking power. If you have ever experienced delays when accessing programs, or annoying freezes when trying to do too many things at once, you have witnessed a computer begging for more RAM. Mid-range laptops often come with 256 MB of RAM. With this was once sufficient, 1 GB is now more suitable due to more advanced applications. But dont worry RAM is one area that you can usually upgrade later. If adding the RAM to your system during the shopping process doesnt make economic sense, you might consider buying more RAM later either online or at a local box store simply make your laptop purchase now, and save up to add more RAM later. Either way, adding more RAM will generally give you a better overall experience, and you wont feel as if you bought a budget-conscious laptop after all.

The laptop-buying experience should be fun and exciting, but if you are buying on a budget, unless you shop carefully you could wind up feeling as if you bought an inferior, outdated product. Its easy to avoid these feelings by simply making sure that you get the things that you really need, and avoiding some of the more expensive but nonessential wants. Most importantly, take your time, do your research, and feel very comfortable with your final purchase. A budget-priced laptop can take you well into the future, without leaving you with an empty wallet!

Laura Alter is the owner of - the largest laptop discussion site on the Internet. Since 2003, has hosted discussions about all major laptop brands, laptop reviews, laptop photos, and peer-to-peer tech support.Brittni Blog32264
Antonella Blog93031

The Value of an Online Degree

Many people wonder, What is the true value of an online degree? In reality, there is no price that can be put on higher education. In todays world, the job market has become extremely competitive. For every position that becomes available, there are dozens of applicants who are trying just as hard as you to get that position. Because of this, employers have to be extremely selective when they are attempting to pick the best candidate for each position that they offer. When employers are evaluating new candidates, there are several factors that they seriously scrutinize.

One of these factors is work experience. In the eyes of employers, work experience is one of the most important things that a candidate can possess. Relevant work experience is normally a strong indication of a candidates ability to succeed in a specific field. However, it is important that any work experience you have, whether in a related or different field as the current job that you are applying for, have a positive reference attached to it. Almost all employers, especially those interviewing for positions with multiple applicants, will call your previous employers, supervisors or managers. Although you can write whatever you want on your resume, these phone calls serve as a true test of your character. By having a direct conversation with an authority figure from your previous job, a potential employer can find out various facts about your character, abilities and interactions with other people. Although in some situations the person that is contacted may not provide the most accurate picture of you, most potential employers will put a lot of weight into these conversations that they have. Therefore, it is extremely important that you try as hard as possible to end your term of employment on a pleasant note.

Although work experience is an extremely important factor for employers when they are evaluating potential job candidates, it is not necessarily the single most important factor. The other factor that is just as important, if not more important, in the eyes of employers is the candidates educational background. Regardless of the type of job that you are applying for, a strong educational background is extremely important. If you do not have a college degree, there are many employers that will not give you any further consideration for a job, regardless of how much work experience you have already obtained. For many who did not have the opportunity to attend a traditional college, this is a very scary prospect. However, this is where the true value of an online degree shines through. Thanks to the multitude of online degree programs which are available, people who never thought they would have an opportunity to earn a degree are now accomplishing their goal on their own terms.

Thanks to the design of online degrees, anyone can earn one on their own schedule. Unlike traditional colleges and universities, online degree programs are designed with busy individuals in mind. Whether you have a full-time job or a family to take care of, an online degree program allows you to obtain a degree in your precious spare time. This is one of the things that truly show the value of an online degree. By obtaining an online degree, you are opening the door to a multitude of exciting opportunities. Whether you are looking for a promotion within your current company or a new, more lucrative career, an online degree is the best way for you to accomplish your goals. For more information about online degrees please visit

As you can see, there is truly no price that can be put on an online degree. The value that an online degree gives you far outweighs any monetary investment that is required. Regardless of the reason you are interested in obtaining it, the value that an online degree will add to your life is tremendous.

Harris Jhosta is holding the market experience of IT industry and immense business solutions for about 2 decades now. His vast experience in the related field gave him the acclamation and renownship in many sectors of business. For more information about online degrees, please visit http://www.speedydegrees.comAllissa Blog80149
Celia Blog44648

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