Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Biggest Reason Why Network Marketers Fail

Why do people join a network marketing company one week, then in two months, drop out? What frustrates network marketers the most? What causes most network marketers to quit before they even reach their full potential? Is it the product? Is it the company? Is it their upline? Is it the compensation plan? Is it the timing? I would venture to say that it is none of the above.

Before I reveal the reason why most network marketers quit, I want to expose why they start. The list is endless but I do want to name a few. Most people join a network marketing company to be their own boss, make extra income, work from home, have freedom, be financially free, leverage their time, put their kids in private school, to help people, etc. A lot of the meetings are very exciting, full of information, and packed with normal people doing extraordinary things. The energy level is so high, that a person will leave high as a kite and extremely excited. Most people make a mental commitment to take their business to everyone they know.

But where most network marketers fail is the lack of massive exposure. At the top of any network marketing company is the person that exposed his or her business the most. Massive exposure is so critical in a persons business. I think it is as important as oxygen. Think about it, if a person doesnt have massive exposure that means no money is coming in, and the business is dying. That means that individual is frustrated and thinking that this thing doesnt work. If the only people that know what you are doing is you, then you dont have any exposure.

Now in the world of network marketing, exposure is making a list of all the people you know. Then you tell them about what you have to offer. You are instructed to get referrals and then teach others to do the same thing. When your list runs out, then you have to prospect. For most, that is truly outside their comfort zone. A lot of people quit at that point. I can understand why too. I think this method is effective to a degree. If a person masters the referral business, then their business can explode. But most people dont.

There are many ways that an individual can have massive exposure. After researching and experiencing so many nights of frustration, I believe that the internet is the best tool that a network marketer can have. Think about it, the world wide web is used by billions of people around the world. All a person has to do is figure out the best way to get his or her service out to the masses. That individual may only want to stay local or national. Or, if you are like me, then you want a global business. There are free ways to get it done too. I dont believe in spending money unnecessarily. So why should you? Just invest time in finding the way that works best for you and then work it. You will have success.

Adrian Hines has written numerous articles on his success and failures in network marketing. He is now an independent distributor of a Wellness company that has yet to go public. He is always looking for people that are looking for him. To learn more, visit Blog48269
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